Peter Bowditch's Web Site

I am the result of evolution.Welcome to my personal web site (which is not my work web site).

I worked in the computer business for years and years and I taught at TAFE and other adult education places but now that I've retired you don't need to see my résumé any more so it's been mothballed. That's enough about work. This site is personal and is about what I like and what I do in my spare time.

Things I am interested in.
Things I have written
Speeches and presentations
I write about car rallies
I have some videos and photos
A collection of books for sale.
Some books I have written
How to connect to the Internet

Book of the Week

The Health Robbers : A Close Look at Quackery in America The Health Robbers : A Close Look at Quackery in America by Stephen Barrett. If someone takes your money or your life with a gun they can end up in prison. If they do it with magic potions or impossible electrical devices they get book contracts and web sites.

I have some other sites.
RatbagsDotComThe Millenium Project
The Green Light
Oberon Matters

Site last updated on July 11, 2024

Copyright © 1998- Peter Bowditch

Logos and trademarks belong to whoever owns them